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Mission Statement

The Mission of the Improvisational Repertory Theatre Ensemble, LLC (IRTE)

is to create a tight ensemble of comedy performers who work collaboratively to develop and produce new and innovative theatre that melds traditional theatrical elements with the immediacy and spontaneity of comedy improvisation.


IRTE's goal is to elevate the art of improvisational theatre while opening it up to a broader audience of theatregoers. We do this by bringing together the best elements of both theatrical mediums - the creativity, humor and spontaneity of live, experimental comedy improvisation; and the traditions, values and professionalism of American repertory theatre.


IRTE is committed to creating a professional improvisational-based theatre, to reach beyond the common perception that “improv” is something only seen in "student" productions offered by training programs. We wish to take what has long been considered to be a "niche" form of entertainment and expose it to a wider theatre audience. 


IRTE's brand of improvisation encourages audience participation, and we invite the community to take part in this experimental new approach. To that end, IRTE is committed to making these shows accessible, appealing and affordable to all audiences.

The Magic Zoo

Vision Statement

The Scary

It is the Vision of IRTE to develop a professional year-round theatre focused on improvisational acting that celebrates the core values, goals and ideals of its Mission Statement. To that end, IRTE aspires to:


  • Transform the way audiences perceive and experience live improvisational theatre

  • Develop a loyal subscription based audience

  • Maintain its own facilities and performance/rehearsal space

  • Work with professional  technical, lighting, sound, costume and set designers, choreographers and directors

  • Become a financially responsible organization that pays its artistic, technical and administrative staff, providing a professional and supportive working environment

  • Ensure access to the broadest spectrum of our audience

  • Spread IRTE's own unique brand of theatre through touring, education and community outreach

  • Continue to develop a core ensemble of creative artists through experimentation and professional training

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